Puritans in Boston


Google search
WWW www.erroluys.com



American Puritanism

Arbella page 1 = arbella1.htm

Bridewell Palace - Invitation to a Funeral tour of Restoration London

Captain John and Sarah Whipple

Charter Of Massachusetts Bay

Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony... - Google Book Search

Chronology of Early Puritan History and Culture

Colonial Children - Google Book Search

Common-place The Common School Tiptoeing through the Tombstones

Faith & Freedom The Christian Roots of American Liberty


Fox's Book of Martyrs by John Foxe

French Colonial Historical Society

http--cdl.library.cornell.edu-cgi-bin-moa-moa-cginotisid=ANZ7208 - Quakers

http--homepages.rootsweb.com-~mwi-17cfolk.txt - English names from 17th century

index - Boston migrations

Puritanism, Spiritualism, and Quakerism

Johnsons Wonder Working Providence

Links for various Puritan bios

London Ancestor - Smithfield Market

Native American Deeds

Perth Assembly - The PuritanBoard

Piscataqua - Gorges

Puritan and Reform Writings

Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts

Renaissance, The Elizabethan World

Robert Nanney and Sir Ferdinando Gorges

Table of Contents - Puritan Writings

The Atlantic World America and the Netherlands Home - De Atlantische wereld Amerika en Nederlan

The Avalon Project The Charter of Massachusetts Bay 1629

The Avalon Project The Charter of New England 1620

The City Record and Boston News-Letter Downtown, Beacon Hill, Back Bay, South End

The Exploits of Myles Standish - Google Book Search

The Hudson's Bay Company Archives

The Making of New England, 1580-1643 - Google Book Search

The Puritan Tradition and American Memory

The Wit and Humor of Colonial Days (1607-1800) - Google Book Search

Thomas Dudley

Thomas Granger -- Bestiality

Useful Links - feltmakers

Victorian London - Markets - Smithfield Market

Winthrop a Puritan Gentleman


Francis Higginson

http--cdl.library.cornell.edu-cgi-bin-moa-sgml-moa-idxnotisid=ANZ7295 - life of Higginson

Rev. Francis Higginson's True Description


History of Ipswich, Essex and Hamilton

John Cotton

John Cotton on the Just Price, 1639

John Cotton, Letter to Lord Say and Sele (1636)

John Foxe

Fox's Book of Martyrs by John Foxe

John Foxe (1516-1587)


Cornell University Making of America



John Winthrop A Modell of Christian Charity
